Monday, 30 July 2007


It's the race week madness, and all of Galway has gone to get a bit of jing-a-ling in their pockets from betting on those fair fillies. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I see from Leigh Blackall's blog that Techsmith have a new freeware tool out called Jing. It's pretty neat. I already use Techsmith's SnagIT tool to take screenshots, but Jing sits on the top of the screen as a little yellow orb, just waiting to take a screen grab or video of anything you are working on. And the bonus- it's free (well for the moment at least).

It's worth keeping an eye on all the OSS alternatives out there, such as those Leigh uses, like Camstudio for the screenrecording, ScreenHunter to grab stills out of video for print, Videora or SuperC to compress the video for Internet and Hey!Spread to distribute the video across multiple video hosting services... Leigh is a mine of information on the topic.

For more on Jing, see a pop-up video of Jing in action to see what all the fuss is about.

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