Thursday, 5 July 2007

Summary of the CELT conference by Jacek Jankowski of DERI

This blog posting by Jacek Jankowski of the eLite project in the Digital Enterprise Research Cluster (DERI) provides an insight into an observer's viewpoint of the CELT conference, in June. Jacek also publishes the abstract of the paper he presented at the conference, along with his colleagues, Jarosław Dobrzański and Filip Czaja.Their paper was entitled "Adapting informal sources of knowledge to e-Learning", and they presented during one of the sessions on the Friday morning of the CELT Conference. Jaroslaw provides a useful map of how the work of several of the e-learning cluster of projects in DERI relate to each other. These include Didaskon (an on-demand composition of semantic-enabled learning objects and services), S3B (the social semantic search and browsing framework), the Informal Knowledge Harvester (IKAR), and the service.


If this all seems like double dutch to you, there is an overview of the work of the eLearning Cluster at Deri available on youtube, where Bill McDaniel talks with Ina O'Murchu sharing his thoughts on elearning, and the work of this Cluster in general (see below).

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