Tuesday, 18 December 2007

NDLR Symposium 2007

The 2007 National Digital Learning Repository (NDLR) Symposium took place on Tuesday 11th December at Trinity College Dublin.

The day kicked off with two keynote speakers Prof. Phil Race of Leeds Metropolitan University and Chris Pegler of the Open University.

Phil’s talk was entitled “Making Learning Happen with Digital Resources” and apart from the fun we, as attendees, had interacting with each other and Phil during the one-hour session, we learned a great deal about digital learning, and maybe a bit more about how to keep people awake, interactive and interested during a one-hour session.
Some of Phil’s points included considering how we learn, with papers strewn across our desk, on the floor, on the spare chair and basically on most available spaces. His point was: “What can we do with just one screen?” - something worth considering. His website http://www.phil-race.com/ features the slides from the session.

The second keynote was given by Chris Pegler on “Reflections on Reuse: What are Repositories and who are they for?”. Among other points, Chris talked about what to keep in mind when developing objects for repositories, and one of the points that I brought away with me was that “Repurposability maximises reuse”.

The keynotes were followed by a day jam-packed full of examples of the great things teaching staff are doing around the country’s third level institutions, maximising resources available to them for teaching and learning.

All presentations will be made available as podcasts from the NDLR Project website in the near future at http://www.ndlr.ie/

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