Tuesday, 8 January 2008

The Future of Learning in a Networked World

flnwThis is an unusual and open event, taking place from the 16th to the 28th of January, in various locations (Thailand, Sydney, New Zealand, etc.), but accessible via Skypecasts, Second Life and asynchronous discussions. It is called the Future of Learning in a Networked World, 2008. Topics are on a range of themes relating to networked learning.

I missed the first of these events in 2006, much to my regret. It seems such a novel and participative way of sharing ideas and experiences. To cite from the 2006 conference, this "...was variously referred to as an unconference, an open space conference, a bar camp, or even a travelling elearning circus or roadshow. Invited participants mostly referred to it as an unconference - the prefix ‘un’ denoted a definitive contrast from the typical style of ‘stand and deliver’ professional development event that we were all familiar with."

If you wish to participate in this years unfolding events, check out the itinerary, and subscribe to the blog to find out how to collaborate in the exchanges.

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