Saturday, 21 April 2012

Assessing the impact of our CEL263 module

Over the last three days I have been immersed in the very special conference that is PELeCON 2012. The theme this year was Create, Connect, Collaborate, and that is certainly what was achieved over the three days. The annual conference in Plymouth, organised by Steve Wheeler (@timbuckteeth, @stevewheeler), is well worth the long travel. It's also an event that can be enjoyed virtually, because the participants are so active on social media and, this year, all sessions were live-streamed.

More thoughts on the conference are to follow.

I presented yesterday (Friday) on our initial attempts to evaluated the longer-term impact of our Learning Technologies module (#cel263). While more in-depth analysis is needed, initial results from a survey of our alumni are very positive. In particular, we do seem to be affecting a change in culture, with the creation of technology champions within the disciplines.

Here's the prezi from yesterday. I already tweeted the link yesterday morning, and it's had more than 600 views in just 24 hours. Wow!

Please comment your response, either here, or on the PELeCON blog. As we heard so often during #pelc12, it's important to give back, in the form of comments. This was just one of my take-home messages.

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