Friday, 14 November 2014

Making CPD fun - the 12 apps of Christmas

I've just signed up for this initiative - the 12 apps of Christmas - offered by the Learning, Teaching and Technology Centre at DIT, and facilitated by Frances Boylan. Based on a similar programme led by Chris Rowell at Regent's University London, this looks like a fun approach to continuous professional development and kudos to the LTTC team for implementing it.

The video on the site gives an overview of what is going to happen. Starting on Monday 1st December, and continuing for 12 working days until Tuesday 16th December, an app will be considered each day. According to the video, there will be a short demonstration of how the app might be used in a teaching and learning context, and there will be an optional exercise.

Like an advent calendar, there is a sense of excitement about what might be behind the next door!

Already there is an active twitter stream using the hashtag #12appsDIT, and numbers signed up for the event have reached 260. No doubt there'll be many more by the start of the course.
I'm hoping to find out about some new, useful apps and to learn more about embedding them in teaching practice.

12 Days. 12 Apps. 10 minutes per day.


  1. Thanks for this . I must mention that I got the idea in turn from Chris Rowell Regents University in the UK and is he running a version there for their staff sometime in December too. I can't claim to have thought it up. I'm really looking forward to it.
    Frances Boylan DIT

  2. Thanks for your comment Frances, and for the reference to Chris Rowell's work on this. I've edited the post to reflect this.

