Tuesday, 17 November 2015

The 5 x 12 apps of Christmas

12 Days. 12 Apps. 10 minutes per day.

I've just signed up (again) for the 12 apps of Christmas #12appsDIT offered by the Learning, Teaching and Technology Centre at DIT, and facilitated by Frances Boylan. This was launched last year (and I blogged about it at the time) based on a similar initiative at Regent's University London.

Each morning over 12 weekdays, starting Dec 1st 2015, a page will be released that reviews a particular mobile app and explores it in terms of how it could help students personalise their learning. Like an advent calendar, every day you open a new door and see what's behind it.

This year the DIT folk are focussing on personalisation of learning, and are inviting teaching staff and students to take part. Already more than 600 people have registered. Why not sign up too?

As well as #12appsDIT, Chris Rowell of Regent's University London, has launched Christmas 2.0 #RUL12AoC.
Aimed at academic and academic support staff, this open course offers to cover the basics and some more advanced tips on using 12 educational apps.

You can sign up for the RUL course, which is offered via Blackboard's Open Education platform.

Meanwhile, the University of West London has also launched their 12 apps of Christmas open course #UWL12Apps. This course aims to inspire you to explore how you can use your smartphone or tablet in education and beyond.

In case 3 apps per day isn't enough for you, the University of Brighton has also launched a satellite cMOOC of #RUL12AoC, with hashtag #12brightapps.

So, starting on 1st December, with a new app (or 4) every weekday until 16th December, you could learn about the educational possibilities of up to 48 apps. At that stage, we could all do with a rest!

Update (18 November): Thanks to Chrissi Nerantzi (@chrissinerantzi) for alerting me (in the comments below) to another 12 apps  offered by Manchester Metropolitan University Library. This course, which does not need any registration, promises engaging hands-on activities, top tips and support from expert facilitators. Staff at MMU are also encouraged to participate in #RUL12AoC for the experience of an online course, with a suggestion that a common hashtag #12AoC is used.

That's a potential 60 apps, although I suspect there'll be a certain amount of overlap.


  1. Hello Sharon,

    I hope you are well. Wondering if you have seen the following


    I have suggested the use of a unifying hashtag to Chris #12AoC. Our library will also be running something for students and staff and we will be helping Chris in his course as well.

    See you online ;)

    Chrissi @chrissinerantzi

  2. Hi Chrissi, thanks for bringing my attention to this. I did notice your name associated with the Regent's open course but didn't realise the MMU had a separate collection of apps. I will amend my post!

    It makes a lot of sense to use a common hashtag.

    Looking forward to dipping in to all!

  3. Thank you for updating your post Sharon. Wondering if there is a way to alert all 12 Apps initiatives to come together using the #12AoC hashtag? I found out about the plans of our library via Chris, who kindly included me in a reply. This has now triggered another collaboration, which is wonderful ;)

    I hope you are well.

