Thursday, 26 July 2007

Becta report on e-portfolios

A recent British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta) report on e-Porfolios describes their use in various educational sectors. The research was conducted by a team of researchers in the Learning Sciences Research Institute at The University of Nottingham led by Dr Elizabeth Hartnell-Young. Of interest is the eight case study in their report describing the use of e-Porfolios by the NHS Education for Scotland. In this instance, the e-Porfolio was used by 1,600 graduate medical students during their two foundation years’ training. Their e-Porfolio encompassed:

  • personal development plans
  • supervisors’ reports
  • certificate of performance
  • multi-source feedback
  • workplace assessments
  • log entries
  • significant event analyses.
The study looked at engagement & motivation, goal setting & reflection, feedback & collaboration, attainment, and generalisability & transferability of the doctors' experience. The initial e-Portfolio was created largely to provide for assessment, but has diversifed to support reflective practice, professional tools and deliver e-learning.
The report states that "E-portfolios benefit learning most effectively when considered as part of a system, rather than as a discrete entity. The system should include online repositories, planning and communication tools, and opportunities for both students and teachers to draw out andpresent e-portfolios at particular times and for particular purposes."
The full research report, which is written for the academic community, is available to download in Word (2.5MB) or PDF (1.8MB).

More References
Becta: e-assessment and e-portfolios :
Department for Education and Skills, 2005, Harnessing Technology: Transforming Learning and Children’s Services, London: DfES.
Hartnell-Young E, 2006, E-Portfolios in Australian Schools: Supporting Learners’ Self-esteem, Multiliteracies and Reflectionon Learning. In Mittermeir R T (ed), ISSEP 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4226, pp279-289, Berlin, Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag.
JISC: Infonet
QCA, 2004, Blueprint for E-assessment
Their space: education for a digital generation DEMOS
Oxford Brookes ProjectRoberts, G, 2006, My World: E-portfolios: Activity and Identity, Brookes eJournal of Learning and Teaching, 1 4).

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