Wednesday 30 July 2008

London Pedagogy Planner

A recent article in this month's eLearn magazine describes an event at which Diana Laurillard (London Knowledge Lab) describes a tool she has been involved in developing, called the "London Pedagogy Planner (LPP)". This is essentially a java application - a version of which is freely downloadable here - that prompts one to articulate lots of information about one's course, including learning objectives, assessment methods, etc.

The creators claim "It focuses on the critical aspects of learning designs, and makes the pedagogical design explicit, capturing it for testing, redesign, reuse and adaptation by the originator, or by others. "

The utility of the application is a little unclear to me, unless this information can be in turn communicated to students or others involved in the course design, and be easily exportable into a VLE, or printable format. Without such opportunities for dissemination, it seems like a considerable effort merely to gain a means of making practices and objectives explict for one's self alone. I've just downloaded the application, and hope to give it a second look.

The LPP project has been funded by the JISC's Design for Learning programme, and has been developed by the Institute of Education, University of London and Institute of Education, London Metropolitan University in partnership with LAMS International Pty Ltd led by Diana Laurillard and Tom Boyle.

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