Monday, 12 April 2010

Irish Human Computer Interaction (iHCI) Conference - Call for Papers

For the fourth year in succession, the iHCI conference is inviting papers on a wide range of topics, including submissions exploring, discussing or challenging the many boundaries within our community today: the traditional boundaries between academia and industry; the physical boundaries which influence our work; the boundaries between creativity and code; the boundaries between research and real-world use; and the boundaries between 'traditional' desktop systems and mobile, tangible, or ambient interaction; and pushing boundaries into novel or challenging spaces. The event takes place at Dublin City University on September 2-3 2010.

Contributions are also welcome that include, but are not limited to, any of the following topics of interest:
- Accessibility & Universal Access
- Case studies
- Collaboration, groupware and social networks
- Context-aware systems
- Ethnographical and field studies
- Evaluation methods and frameworks
- Group interaction, collaboration and social media
- Human-centred design practices, tools and methods
- HCI Theory and Practice
- Information visualization and presentation techniques
- Novel user interfaces, interaction techniques and technologies
- Mobile, Ambient, Augmented or Tangible HCI
- Multimodal interaction and interfaces
- Interaction in multi-cultural settings
- Ubiquitous, pervasive, and mobile interaction
- User-centred design
- Usability investigation and evaluation
- Wearable computing, smart clothes, new devices and sensors

The iHCI 2010 Programme will follow the theme by including an Industry Session (Co-Ordinated by the IxDA Dublin and Limerick Groups), a Student Forum, a Poster and Demos Showcase. We are also delighted to announce that Professor Richard Harper (Microsoft Research Cambridge) will deliver the opening keynote address.

Contributions that advance the theory or practice of any aspect of HCI are welcome. This includes for example theoretical papers, practice case studies, empirical evaluation and methodological work. The conference proceedings will contain all papers (Full, Short, Student, Demos and Poster overviews) and will be published with an ISBN. This will also be made available online.

Follow the event on twitter (@iHCI2010) for regular updates.
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